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Eric Hunter

Eric and his wife Jamie have three amazing kids, Callie, Creed, and Hannah.  Eric is a WTAMU and WT BSM alum!  Eric joined the BSM staff in 2022. In addition to serving on staff at a few churches, Eric spent 10 years with the IMB as a church planter in Southeast Asia and Central Asia. Eric absolutely loves working with students, helping them know God and make Him Known! While away from ministry at BSM, Eric enjoys spending time with his family, being outdoors (especially in the mountains,) and playing or watching sports.  


Hannah Green
Associate Director

Hannah is married to Ryan.  Hannah is a WT graduate.  After serving a year as an intern, Hannah has moved over into the BSM Coordinator position.  Along with discipling our leaders, Hannah spends intentional time serving the international students at WT.  Hannah is passionate about serving and mobilizing students to make Christ known to the nations.  Away from work you can find her being adventurous outdoors and traveling with Ryan.   

Staci Byrd
Associate Director

Staci grew up in Canyon and joined the WT BSM staff team in November 2021! 

 She has her Masters in Biblical Counseling from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and is a Licensed Professional Counselor Associate (Supervised by DeAnna Sheets MS, LPC-S).   

malaki and hope.webp

Malaki deatherage

Malaki is married to Hope. He grew up in Fritch Texas, and he graduated with his

Bachelor’s of Criminal Justice in May 2023. He  joined the WT BSM staff team in the

summer of 2023, working as a Campus Missionary Intern.

Malaki came to a saving faith in Jesus Christ through the WT BSM, and now
he has decided to serve on staff after one year as a Campus Missionary!

Campus Missionaries


Marissa Lemus

Macie Groomer

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